Yes! The Walk from Obesity is intended to be a community event and should never be considered a private event for one sole sponsor. Local sponsors are the key to bringing several local hospitals, doctors, and local businesses together to provide an event that will raise awareness and benefit the entire local community. Local sponsors provide financial support for your Walk, but can also promote your Walk and help increase attendance. Any person/company that shares our mission or provides services within the scope of our cause should always be welcome and encouraged to become a local sponsor.
Local sponsors are also important to your participants. Almost every level of local sponsorship will include an exhibitor table at the event. This will allow local companies to share information with participants about their services and/or provide samples and other goodies for the participants. Many participants may expect this so it is important to get as many companies to support and attend as possible.
Your local sponsorship prospectus will also be listed on our website. The ASMBS Foundation staff will handle collection of donations, company logos, and approval of sponsorships. The role of the local committee is to get the prospectus in the hands of local companies that would be a good fit for the event.
The Presenting Sponsor/Event Leader/Committee are required to solicit local companies for local sponsorship.
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