Culinary Corner

One of the most important factors in addressing obesity is proper nutrition. Chef Stella provides information on how to help meet your nutritional goals and offers you fresh and healthy recipes.

GeorgeStellaHeadshot_200Chef Stella, has been a professional chef for over twenty-five years and is an official spokesman for the Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen initiative to empower youth to make healthy lifestyle choices. He has appeared on numerous television and news shows, including two seasons of his own show, Low Carb and Lovin’ It on the Food Network and has written five bestselling cookbooks. Learn More about Chef George Stella

Mindful Eating this Holiday Season

Written by: Kate Rountree, RDN The holiday season can be a difficult time to find the right balance of making mindful, healthy behavioral choices while still participating in social event with friends and family. However, this is not impossible and including your family and friends in your health journey is key! Follow along to see [...]

By |2025-01-06T11:06:53-05:00December 11th, 2024|Culinary Corner, Newsletter|Comments Off on Mindful Eating this Holiday Season

Strategies for Summer BBQs

Summer’s finally here, and for many of us that can mean more social engagements taking full advantage of the nice weather. But some of those fun summer BBQ’s can also come with calorie-laden options that can get in the way of our healthy goals. So let’s talk about some strategies to work around potential pitfalls. [...]

By |2018-05-31T13:43:01-04:00June 4th, 2018|Culinary Corner|0 Comments

A Low-Carb Challenge

MY TWO-DAY CHALLENGE While I’ve already established that low-carb works best when it simply becomes your everyday way of eating—your lifestyle— with your body in a state of ketosis and burning fat, I’d now like to issue a challenge, something completely different for those people who can’t quite break their reliance on carbohydrates. My [...]

By |2018-04-02T09:47:19-04:00April 2nd, 2018|Culinary Corner|0 Comments

Kicking the Carb Craving

Everyone gets food cravings, whether you are watching your weight or otherwise. These cravings are often for carbohydrates, as they are often the quickest way to get the densest number of calories into your body. When you aren’t eating low-carb, they are your body’s preferred fuel source, so you’re practically hardwired to crave carbohydrates. [...]

By |2018-02-05T13:28:40-05:00December 4th, 2017|Culinary Corner|1 Comment

Making a Change

Making a resolution to change is quick and easy. It only takes a moment—a spark of inspiration—to decide that things can be different: that you don’t have to continue down the same path or make the same choices. Things don’t have to spiral out of control. You can resolve to make something better. Resolutions are [...]

By |2018-02-05T14:10:39-05:00August 7th, 2017|Culinary Corner|0 Comments

Sweeten Things Up!

As sugar is a carbohydrate, you can’t eat low-carb without cutting out all types of real sugar, including sucrose, glucose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, added fructose, cane juice, cane syrup, and honey. But once you’ve cut these things out of your diet, you’re inevitably still going to want to indulge in something sweet. You’re [...]

By |2017-06-02T13:42:43-04:00June 5th, 2017|Culinary Corner|0 Comments

How Low-Carb Works

First and foremost, I am a chef, not a doctor, nutritionist, or scientist. My experiments are with ingredients, not test tubes. You wouldn’t want a doctor writing recipes (many have), but you should consult a doctor or nutritionist before making changes to the way you eat. You should also understand that my explanation of how [...]

By |2017-03-29T15:31:34-04:00April 3rd, 2017|Culinary Corner|1 Comment

Motivation & Inspiration

An Essential Change Fifteen years ago, the scene around the Stella family dinner table looked bleak. There was usually a stack of pizza boxes. Empty soda cans and bottles were thrown into a recycling bin between our feet. Then there was us…all twelve hundred-plus pounds of us. George Stella at 467lbs in 1999 [...]

By |2017-02-06T09:28:18-05:00February 6th, 2017|Culinary Corner|0 Comments

The Different Low-Carb Plans

You’ve probably heard of several low-carb plans over the years, such as Atkins or Paleo. The options can be a bit overwhelming at first; however, most of these plans share at least one basic principle: eating natural foods that are not processed. Because of this, I have chosen to write all my recipes using only [...]

By |2016-12-05T09:16:46-05:00December 5th, 2016|Culinary Corner|0 Comments