Participating in a Walk from Obesity event is a great way to raise obesity awareness, as well as awareness of the treatments that are available to treat obesity. Steps taken by our participants help to show their community that they are there to fight obesity. Not only does “Every Step Count” but so do the many dollars that are raised by our participants through fundraising. To show appreciation for those that take those extra steps, we offer prizes through our fundraising incentive program and beginning this fall we have some great new prizes. Here is a breakdown of what our “Every Step Counts” fundraisers will receive:

Raise at least:
$25: Official Walk from Obesity t-shirt*
$100: “Every Step Counts” Fundraiser Medal*
$500: “Every Step Counts” Duffel Bag*
$1,000: $100 Sports Authority Gift Card**
$2,500: $250 Apple Gift Card**
   *Awarded at the Walk       ** Will be awarded after the Walk by the National Office

If you participate in a Walk this coming fall, we encourage you to fundraise to ensure we may continue to host these awareness events, as well as fund programs that benefit from the Walk from Obesity for “Prevention, Education, Research, and Treatment” of obesity.